Monday, May 18, 2020

My Experience As An Intern For The Semester Of Fall

Introduction In this report I will discuss my experience as an intern for the semester of fall, 2015. For the past few months I have partaken in a residential construction internship building custom homes and renovations through a non-profit organization for veterans and the elderly. Internship Orientation and Preparation My internship began on August 17th. Throughout the first 2 weeks there was another intern at the company. Throughout those two weeks the other intern mentored me and gave me advice to have a successful internship and how the company functioned. When the next intern starts his internship in the spring, I will take the role as a mentor for a week as well. Having a fellow intern prepare you and tell you what to expect created a better transition into the internship. Early in the internship, my boss made it clear that I would be spending most of the day with him either at the office or out in the field. In preparation for work every day, I recommend dressing in comfortable yet professional clothing. On certain days we met with the owners of our projects, so it was essential to be presentable. It is also important to eat a good and healthy breakfast to have energy and start the day off correctly. Houston can have atrocious traffic depending on the ho ur of the day, weather, or accidents. To get to work on time I strived to be there at least thirty minutes before my actual day of work began. In those thirty minutes I was able to review the day before and makeShow MoreRelatedThe Importance Of Being A Community Engagement Intern1575 Words   |  7 PagesIntroduction For the fall semester, I have the privilege of being a community engagement intern for the Office of the Attorney General for the District of Columbia. My supervisor, Lateefah Williams—is the community engagement specialist whose main goal is to create a liaison with the Attorney General and the constituents of Washington D.C. 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