Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Should Gay Marriage Be Equal - 1387 Words

Gay Marriage in America The United Stated of America consists of many different types of people, all who take pride in their freedom. Recently, we had seen the reality of our â€Å"freedom,† which some may not really have considered America the land of the free, homosexuals especially. Just like the â€Å"normal† citizen in America, homosexuals like the idea of the American dream as well. And most Americans believe in, or enjoy the idea of marriage. People get married all across the country; people of all races, religion, ethnicity, and as of June 26th, 2015, people of the same sex may also enjoy that privilege to be happy as well. Anyone who believes in love shall be able to marry as they please, regardless of their preferences. Homosexuals should†¦show more content†¦The Roman Catholic Church opposes same sex marriage, and American bishops, stating that â€Å"marriage is a faithful, exclusive and lifelong union between one man and one woman,† strongly support the FMA. The United Church of Christ, in 2005, became the first major Christian denomination to give official support to same sex marriage. In 2009 the Episcopal Church voted not to block same sex marriages in dioceses that chose to perform them. More fundamentalist churches, such as the Southern Baptist Convention, however, have actively opposed same sex marriage and homosexuality. Unitarian Universalist churches unequivocally support same sex marriage. Even though certain religions may or may not support same sex marriage, attitudes among churchgoers may differ considerably from those of church officials.† And although same sex marriage is now legal, many churches are standing firm of their beliefs that gay marriage and will not allow gay couples to have their marriage ceremonies at the church. â€Å"Same sex marriage and homosexuality is a sin,† is what some people are taught and believe, which according to The Holy Bible, is very much true. In â€Å"Leviticus† 18:21-22 and â€Å"Leviticus† 20:13, the Bible talks about the sexual acts of man and man and woman and woman and how they are not right, and God does not approve of them. So yes, if you believe in The Holy Bible, it is a sin. But

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